Purposeful and functional, or purposeful and nonfunctional?

Purposeful and functional, or purposeful and nonfunctional? Cambridge dictionary states the meaning of nonfunctional as; “not working, or not working in the correct or usual way.” Therefore, the meaning of functional is the opposite, working in the correct or usual...

Love Gives Cheerfully!

  Love Gives Cheerfully! Love is the most joyful character any human being can have. It is who God is. It completes the human being. It is the only connection man has to God and makes them one. Love is the reason for our being, for our redemption, and eternal...

What cultivates the fear of the Lord?

What cultivates the fear of the Lord? We often hear about the fear of the Lord. What brings about the fear of the Lord? Many people would argue that the word of God causes men to have the fear of God. Other people would say that their experiences cause them to have...

Difference: Men Vs. Animals

Difference: Men Vs. Animals The difference between men and animals is that men have a God-given task which they were created to fulfill and it follows them for eternity, while animals do not. God feeds the animals without them working for it while men must work. Gen...

Love gives 100% nothing less

Love Gives 100% Nothing less Love is a person whose character is patience, kindness, not envious, not boastful, not proud. Does not dishonor others, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs. Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth....

Love is a Fruit… Whose Product is a Gift

Love is a fruit… whose product is a Gift One day, in my Acworth Georgia home, I prayed this prayer. “Father God, give me your perfect love, all of it, nothing less, that I may love others with this perfect love. Do not send me anywhere without this perfect love...

From Glory to Glory…

From Glory to Glory… A while back I lived in Atlanta Georgia, where I went to school in pursuit of my nursing degree. I was studying for my associate degree in nursing (RN). Upon completion of my core classes, I applied for acceptance into the nursing program. In...

Discipleship, friendship, intimacy

Discipleship, friendship, intimacy John 13:34-35 (NKJV) “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 8:31...