HGIM is a non-profit organization that promotes the work of Christ on earth. All donations made will go to the different ministry services. You may specify where you desire your donation to be allocated.

The different ministries are:


Prisons Ministry

Prison ministry where we visit prisoners, share the good news of Christ

Abandoned Children

We are a ministry that cares about the future of all children. We believe that every life on earth is purposeful. We aim to make a difference in everyone’s life. We emulate Christ who did good everywhere He went. Our goal is to find homes for these children, eventually build homes where we can take them in and raise them in the ways of God until they graduate from college and get employment. You never know the Kingdom impact a saved life can make.


We are a ministry that cares about the future of all children. We believe that every life on earth is purposeful. We aim to make a difference in everyone’s life. We emulate Christ who did good everywhere He went. We currently visit children’s homes and provide food, rent, scholarships, and other daily needs as the Holy Spirit leads. Our goal is to eventually build our homes where we can house orphans and bring them up in the ways of God. Whatever we do, we do it as unto Christ. You never know the Kingdom impact a loved soul can bring. Partner with us in reaching these amazing souls.


We are a ministry that cares about the Widows and less fortunate. We believe that every life needs love and comfort. We aim to make a difference in everyone’s life. We emulate Christ who did good everywhere He went. Our goal is to assist the widows in need as the Holy Spirit leads. We do all we can to care for them spiritually, physically, we provide food, shelter to those in need, clothing and other necessities per need. You never know the Kingdom impact a cared for life can make.


We are a ministry that cares about the future of all. We believe that every life on earth is purposeful. We aim to make a difference in everyone’s life. We emulate Christ who did good everywhere He went. Our goal is to find homes for the homeless and help them build up to employment, rehab if needed and back to self care and affording a home. You never know the Kingdom impact a life shown love and compassion can make.


We look at their individual needs and customize care. We visit them in their homes, help with chores, give them company as we share Christ with them. We house those who are living in poor conditions. Our goal is to build elder care community homes where we can care for the elderly who do not have families or people to care for them. As we do this, we make their final years on earth comfortable and allow them to concentrate on building their relationship with God.

Scholarship Program

Sponsorship program where we pay school expenses for children in high school whose parents can not afford a high school education

Marriage ministry

Marriage ministry where we meet every first three days of the month & learn how to do marriage Gods way

Women’s Ministry

Women’s conference/seminar, men’s conference and couples seminar

Music Ministry

Music ministry where we record music and assist those who have the substance in the song but cannot afford to produce music. We use our studio to help record and fund music videos for all who have a Kingdom message but are unable to afford, as led by the Holy Spirit.

Word Ministry

Impartation services where we spread the gospel in different towns

We are looking at building hospitals, clinics, libraries,schools of ministry where we currently are virtually training and equipping the church of Jesus Christ by introducing the Holy Spirit.

All your donations will go a long way to help bring these free but extremely necessary services to all in need.

With regard to books & authorship, your donations will help us to publish & distribute the books for free to those who can not afford to buy.

Taking the gospel far and wide is another area where we shall use the donations, to travel around the world without limits to freely spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for partnering with God’s Kingdom. As you can see, there are multiple areas where you can allocate your donations. You may also volunteer your time in any way that the Holy Spirit will lead you.

You are a part of the great harvest of souls for the Kingdom. The impact on lives you touch through your generosity will last throughout all eternity.

How else can you help?

Monetary contributions 

*** paypal, credit card ***

Bank account information & Wire information:

Bank: Bank of America


Account Number: 325134953795

Routing Number: 026009593 (wires)

Zelle: [email protected]

For Africa Donations

MPESA #:  +254113772464

Name: Esther Nguru

Non-perishable foods by calling the numbers:
U.S.A – +1 404-510-2512
Kenya – +254 795229688
email: [email protected]

Other Items that will assist in enhancing the ministry and help the people.

Call the numbers above if you have any questions on any gift/contributions