What cultivates the fear of the Lord?
We often hear about the fear of the Lord. What brings about the fear of the Lord? Many people would argue that the word of God causes men to have the fear of God. Other people would say that their experiences cause them to have the fear of God. But is it that you have a fear for God or you have the fear of God?What is the difference?
The fear for God comes when someone wants to keep on sinning but they are afraid of the consequences of sin or the punishment. This fear is not out of love, but from selfish desires. It leads to resentment and sin. It is from the kingdom of darkness. It causes anxiety and portrays God as an enemy ready to destroy men at the moment they stumble and fall. It does not show God as a loving Father.
The fear of God on the other hand is the honor, respect, submission, sense of awe, for God that leads us to seek to please and obey Him. This is brought about by the knowledge of God. His name. His title. It is done out of love for Him.
In this world we live in, people treat others according to the power behind their name. Their title. Someone’s title carries honor or dishonor. When one meets a housekeeper vs a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the reception and treatment is usually different because of the power behind the title of their name.
A housekeeper has no power or authority over people. They can not hire or fire. But the CEO has the power and authority to hire or fire anyone regardless of their position or department. They have the power over all in the company. The knowledge of this title gives them honor. Without this knowledge, people would dishonor them.
People of God perish for lack of knowledge because they have rejected knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
When a parent sends their child to someone, for the message to be honored, the child must use their parent’s name. Otherwise they do not carry any power or authority apart from that which is in their parent’s name.
With this knowledge, can you tell what cultivates the fear of God? Let us see some scriptures below. God’s word alone will not do it because many hear and read the word but have no fear of God.
“Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His name.” Malachi 3:16 NKJV
The answer is “meditating upon His name.” Remember the title? God’s names are powerful, and full of authority. When we meditate upon His name and get to know Him, we shall have the spirit of the fear of the Lord. The reverent fear of God. This was Jesus’s delight. Without knowing God, we will honor and respect men over God. We will throw away what is gold and pick up pebbles.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (vs.7) The more they increased, The more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame. (vs.10) For they shall eat, but not have enough; They shall commit harlotry, but not increase; Because they have ceased obeying the LORD.” Hosea 4:6-7 & 10 (NKJV).
When we reject knowledge, we reject the fear of God, we reject God, and we live in disobedience. Result? God strips us of His glory and rejects us as His representatives. How can we represent someone we reject? We lose all benefits of being God’s representatives & we live in constant lack and unproductivity. We shall never succeed no matter how much we try because our glory was hidden in the reverent fear of God. It was in embracing our calling in Christ shamelessly, and representing God faithfully against all odds. It was in the reverent fear of God and not man.
I always love to learn from the perfect example, Jesus Christ. Out of all the amazing Spirits of God, He DELIGHTED in the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. I have made this Spirit my delight as well.
“The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. His delight is in the fear of the LORD,” Isaiah 11:2-3a NKJV
Do you have the Spirit of the fear of the Lord? Do you delight in this Spirit? If not, ask the Holy Spirit to teach and help you live like this.
In Christ’s love,
Gift Zawadi Love.
Holy Ghost Impartation Ministries.